Monday, February 28, 2011

I think we'd be friends

in real life.  

That's what I often imagine as I read blogs of women I've never met from all over the country.  

So in case you ever have considered that about me, I think there are some things you need to know: 

1.) I drink large quantities of UNsweet tea with extra lemons.  I'm usually seen carrying a Chick-fil-a cup full of it on a daily basis.  This causes many southerners to look at me with distaste and call me a Yankee.

2.) I'm not creative. This is not a statement of humility.  It's fact. In my elementary school, students had the opportunity to be invited on a yearly basis to try and "test" into the "Talented and Gifted" program.

That was never me.  In fact, in the fifth grade, I was one of four kids in my class who were not invited to take the test while the other twenty kids in our class were.  I can still remember sitting in the classroom just waiting for the rest of the class to get back.  Bless my heart.

3.) To further prove number #2, I can honestly say that I never think of my day in terms doing crafts, painting, or sewing.  I can guarantee that I will never attempt to show you how to refinish furniture,  paint a mural, or embroider a onesie on this blog.  I prefer, instead, to surround myself with very talented people to do those things for me.

4.) Once I find a fashion piece I like, it becomes my "thing." (Probably that creative issue again.)

  • I rocked the colored jean my senior year of high school.  If it came in a color, I owned it.  Mauve jean? Check.  Dark green jean?  Check.  They're coming back in style soon.  Trust me.  
  • For a few years I owned the tailored blazer.  Literally and figuratively.  In fact, I still actually own them; in navy, brown, mustard, cream, green, black...   Let me know if you need to borrow one. 

  • My current obsession are sweater coats and scarves.  I own a lot.  In fact, there's a good chance that on any given day, I'll be wearing one or the other.  Or both.  I need an intervention.    

5.) I can't do a cartwheel.

So what do you think? Would we be real-life friends?  



  1. Girl you CRACK me up! I'd leave a profound comment here that sounded witty or wise but I'm laughing too hard. I'll check back later, I gotta go look for my tailored jacket.

  2. hahaah...I love reading your blog. I will honestly have to say I have always wondered exactly WHAT was in that Chikfila cup that I see you with ALL the time.
    And you better hold on to that "mustard" blazar. I hear that's a hot color now. ;)

  3. Don't worry, I was born in the south and lived here most my life. I hardly ever drink iced tea, but when I do, it is unsweet!

  4. I think that we could be friends. I am just starting our own adoption journey and it looks like we will be going to the Congo as well. The hardest part to get over would be that orange you all are sporting. Go Gators! So with that said a love of football and not of fashion would be enough to get the party started.

  5. I think we would be great friends in real life. I find myself searching out others who are adopting as well because it's such a fun journey that most of the world is missing out on. :o)

  6. I'm not creative either...but I've found I can embroider/sew as I was trying to find a creative hobby to make me "well rounded" for university (college)...all I need now is something sporty and I'm sorted. :) lol

    I found your blog from The Lettered Cottage blog :). Adoption has always interested me, but I won't be adopting until I least finish university. :)

  7. I like you...can we be friends? :)

  8. I knew some of these things about you, but not all! So fun! I remember the olive-ish blazer! Your blog is so great and I enjoy reading every "Word" of it!

  9. Loved this post. Also loved getting caught up on your life. Hugs to you, friend! DL
