Monday, January 31, 2011

We've been checked out.

The steps to adoption are really astonishing.  Especially when you compare them to the qualifications you need in order to get pregnant.  Oh, that's right.  There are NO qualifications to meet in order to make a little bun in the oven.

But what if you want to care for a bun that was formed in someone else's oven? We've learned that you've got qualify for what is equivalent to top level clearance at the Pentagon.

In just a month, we've each had to get: 

An FBI clearance

An ABI clearance (that's just for Alabama)

A State Police Clearance

A Set of Fingerprints for a national background check

An HIV/communicable disease test.  (No worries, we're clear). 

One Child Abuse and Neglect background check for EVERY state we've lived in since we were 18.      Uh, what?  Brian and I have been kind of all over the place the last decade.... and it wasn't with each other. That's a lot of states. 

Oh, we also need to watch ten hours of online training about international adoption.  And we'll need to be biometrically fingerprinted in a few months too.

You know, a few basic requirements.

I wonder what our foster care system would like if some of this was implemented on folks trying to biologically reproduce?

We probably should run some background checks run on this joker, too.  He WAS alive for five months before he became part of our family.  No telling what shenanigans he was up to during that time.  Does home destruction show up on background checks?


  1. Wow...I had no idea! My husband and I are starting our own adoption journey this month. We are going to do a domestic adoption first.

  2. I have just discovered your blog and am excited to follow along on your journey! I think adoption is so important and I hope to adopt many children someday - soul mate pending :)

  3. The process can be very frustrating for adoptive parents, but if you remember that the end goal is to ensure that the child gets a safe and appropriate home, and if you keep the child's needs in mind as the priority, it makes a bit more sense. I am a therapist who works with couples and children in families formed through adoption, and I have seen that it helps for children to know as they grow that their placement choice was made carefully and with their needs in mind. Good luck!

  4. We just finished all of our check too. Thankfully we do not have a criminal record in Indiana or Michigan. Plus our chest x rays are negative for TB. YAY!!!!

  5. I really enjoy reading your blog. International adoption is quite a process. My husband and I are currently finishing up our dossier. We are just waiting on one more thing to come back in the mail. Hopefully we will be on the waiting list within two weeks! We're adopting for India. Our blog is

  6. there are still people doing background check to see if they have criminal records. they doing these to ensure their safety especially for their family
