Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How We're Doing

We've had lots of friends and family inquiring how our family is adjusting.  Thank you to all of you who are checking in.  Here's my recap. 

My parents left to head back to New Jersey last wednesday after helping the first two weeks we were home.  

I'm pretty certain that it was about two seconds after they pulled out of the driveway that J-Man got sick. 

His nose started running and the coughing ensued.  

Then he started puking on Friday morning.  

Tyson and I had taken an unexpected short trip to Atlanta for two days to hug on the neck of one of my best friends. 

So that left Daddy in charge of operation pukeage.  I was available by phone for medical consultation.  

In which case, I determined he had the flu.  

In which case, I was wrong. 

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, I am not. 

Monday morning, J-man and I headed to the doctor and poor baby had strep throat.  

I've played "keep away from your brother," for the past three days.  

I also have been on "Do not stick your brother's pacifier in your mouth" patrol.  Good times. 

I think we are back to health around here, as evidenced by J-man smiling and giggling and his lack of puking.  Whew. 

In terms of us bonding and adjusting with Tyson, he's a rock star.  Sweet pea loves snuggling and grinning at his mom and dad.  He especially thinks his brother, J-man is HIL-arious and gives him a big ol' gummy grin on a regular basis.  

J-man, for being 15 months old and just experiencing major life adjustment, has done amazing.  He hugs and kisses Tyson often (when not quarantined), and he loves trying to make his brother laugh. 

TD wears his headphones a lot and has "homework" in his room way more than usual.  

Honestly, he's been a huge help too, corralling J-man when I'm trying to do something with Tyson and can't keep my eye on him.  

So, since we are emerging out of pukeville and today is a new day- I can say that we are doing well.  

Taking it one day at a time.  Figuring out bedtimes, schedules, and life with two under 15 months old. 

As both of my little ones were actually laying down on the same blanket for a few short seconds today, heads together looking at each other, I couldn't help but smile at what we've been given.  

I'm stinking exhausted at the end of every day, but that's to be expected.  

Brian and I are just thankful for 7 o'clock bedtimes.  Especially since I'm asleep by around 7:15 these days. . . 

1 comment:

  1. Pukeville, uck! No fun. Been there myself and I didn't enjoy the visit. 3 out of 6 have been down.. will the boys follow? I hope not.

    Glad to read an update. Makes me smile. I have boy/girl twins so I understood the same age times 2.. It can be a doozy at times but the sweet rewards so outweigh it all.

    Loved this quote from your previous post: "The choices to form our family have quite obviously not been due to public opinion." I wanted to say an Amen Sister on that one!

    Happy Bonding!!
